Ministry Partner: International Students Inc.

This organization of Christian volunteers, seeks friendships with international students attending U.S. colleges and universities.

As friends, ISI volunteers and staff have opportunities to involve their students in American culture, help them with problems needing a native speaker, find an American Christian mentor in their academic discipline, and (if interested) move them toward a saving relationship with Christ.

Partnering with International Students Inc. can open up opportunities to love your neighbor and communicate the hope we have in Christ.  They also offer some free resources to help you learn more about the international student, and people from different religious and philosophical backgrounds.

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Preparing Yourself for Evangelism

“The biggest difference between a church successful in outreach and one that is not is willingness to begin with people, and patience with them during the preconversion phase.”  Doug Murren and Mike Meeks make this point early on in Preparing Your Church to Evangelize, and that sensitivity toward people is enough for me to recommend this article.  But the lessons in their article are for you and me as much as for the church.

When we organize an outreach event, or become friends with someone for the purpose of evangelism, we’re off the mark by a wide margin.  Love is God’s chief command for us and flowing from that is his charge to share our faith.  That’s what I read between the lines of Doug and Mike’s article and I believe it’s a lesson worth learning and applying.

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The Beneficial Belben – What Jesus Saw

It doesn’t take much to realize that Jesus saw people through hopeful eyes; just take a look at his choice for disciples.  According to Howard Belben, in The Mission of Jesus, “when we say that Jesus saw people as the might be, this is another way of saying that He believes His own gospel.  “I did not come to invite virtuous people, but sinners,” He said (Matthew 9:13), and He knew that lives could be transformed, that the worst could become the best.”

That has practical application in evangelism, as he points out in his book.  If we are trusting Christ for the work of evangelism and he believed people could be changed, then we must believe the same if we are to fulfill the mission God has given us.

Without hope, we will quit before the job is done.  Whatever the task, hope is the key to completion.

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Can We Afford to be Real?

We can think we need to be all shiny paper and fancy bows on the outside to have a chance to affect friends for Christ. In reality, our friends usually know when the outside wrapping is just for show. What they want is for you and me to be real.

Learn More: Read Be Powerful, Be Real

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Drama on Craigslist – Part IV

The drama started when I tried to engage people in a spiritual discussion by posting a brief ‘ad’ on Craigslist. One of the replies was, “Jesus is a myth, just like the Easter Bunny. Please stop posting your crap on Craigslist, you’re not getting my money.”

Though the question was originally posed as an attempt to initiate discussions, I’ve used it several times as a training tool for Christians.  For instance, I asked people on LinkedIn, “What do you think would have been a good reply to that and why?” Here are some responses.

Lisa: I don’t want your money. I’m sharing an important message. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read it, but I’m hoping that you will be blessed.

Lisa’s Why: It’s a good reply because it’s not antagonistic, and it lets him know you’re not looking to line your pockets. You’re blessing him whether he reads it or not and maybe this nice reply will make him go read it!

Jamal: I would have said something along the lines of it being great that he took the time to send a reply, but this message is for those that want to receive it and Craigslist doesn’t say that you can not pose questions to viewers.

Jamal’s Why: The reply is good because as Christians we need to ask ourselves wwjd. I think that this person, obviously not a Christian, was touched in some way by your article or question for him to respond as such. His reply, to me, is a slap in the face and inviting confrontation, we are supposed to do the opposite. This guy is probably waiting for you to respond to his comment so he can “let you have it” even more.

Sandy and Stacey had very different thoughts. Sandy said that before doing anything she, “…would have prayed and not responded for at least several hours.” Stacey said, “I have found it best to leave people alone who have no interest in the gospel and are hostile to it, so I would not have responded to it.” She also listed some passages from Scripture to support her decision.

So who’s right? Lisa, Jamal, Sandy, Stacey?  This may surprise you, but it’s not so much about right or wrong, as it is a search for clues; clues we can use to better share the Good News.

Lisa said a good reply is not antagonistic. That’s a great clue, especially because the Bible tells us we should be respectful in sharing our faith.  Jamal thought the writer from Craigslist was touched in some way by my article. Do we know how he was touched or why my article affected him? Now that might be a clue worth investigating.

Think back to the reply that started this discussion, “Jesus is a myth…” What clues might we get from that? Consider how you’ve tried to communicate a strongly held opinion or how you were treated when you did. Was there a clue to be learned from that experience that might help you know how to respond now to our Craigslist ‘friend’?

Becoming more effective at sharing the gospel is a learning experience for most of us. We can all become better at it, especially if we study the Good News Clues.

Is there something you’ve learned about evangelism that might be a helpful clue for another believer?  Share it with us!  Do you have a real life evangelistic situation and are not sure how to deal with it?  Ask us a question!

Did you miss the earlier parts of the Drama on Craigslist?

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Support Shorts: Prayer Partners Needed

Ministries need the prayers of faithful men and women just as people must have air to breathe, and we are building a team of Prayer Partners to support our work.

Christians who partner with us in prayer will receive emails on a regular basis listing needs of the ministry.  We’ll also include how God has answered the petitions taken to him on our behalf.

If this sounds like the type of help you’d like to offer Share the Savior, please sign up.
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WestPoint 2013: Sailing to Heaven’s Shore

WestPoint 2013 is  three days of speakers and seminars designed to inspire and strengthen God’s call to connect your community with Christ and a lot more.  Presented by the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, this years event will be at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA, March 31–April 3, 2013.

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The Dangerous Fate of Those Who Live and Die without Christ

“Have you ever been out hiking in the woods and gotten lost? It’s a terrible feeling.”  Thus starts Jimmy Kinnaird’s post from September 2011, on his personal evangelism weblog.  Then he helps us see that the person without Christ, is similar to someone lost in the woods, in that at first they don’t realize their lost condition.

That to me makes the whole article worth reading but Jimmy gives us  more, including why their spiritual condition should matter to us.  Hope you’ll take a look and then come back and share what was most encouraging to you about the article.

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Salt Shaker’s – Be Salty

“Jesus tells us in the Sermon on the Mount that we are the salt of the earth.  And he challenges us not to lose our savor – our saltiness.  This means – among other things – that we are to be active in the world as his representatives.  We are to get out of the saltshaker and into life itself.  Not to be trodden down, but to be zestful witnesses to Jesus as Lord and Savior, as the one who gives life and meaning to a dying world.” Rebecca Manley Pippert, Out of the SaltShaker

It’s instructive that Jesus used salt to describe us.  Salt has a great history of use in God’s created world and when mentioned in Scripture is likely understood universally.  Even though some of us act more like cayenne pepper, much to the distaste of our friends, God is looking for saltiness among his people.

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Real Love – Real Power

Real love by real people is a source of power for sharing the gospel.  It’s not easy to be real.  We’re afraid to let people see the crumpled brown paper we sometimes are.  Remember, our friends know what fake looks like, and they will usually put up with our imperfections when they trust our intentions.

Learn More: Read Be Powerful, Be Real
Read One of Our Favorite Encouragement Efforts: Losing Heart?
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