Right Tools for the Task – Part 3

We've Got the Power

We’ve Got the Power

Some say the best tools are power driven and I think that’s true with evangelism. We have the gospel, which is God’s power for the salvation of everyone who believes (Romans 1:16), and we have have the power God granted us when he saved us, which is the same power “as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead…” (Ephesians 1:19-20)

Another great power source is wisdom.  You don’t have learn how to evangelize the hard way by making all the mistakes.  You can gather information from people and organizations that God is using to equip his people to share their faith.  You’ve learned about some of those ‘partners’ by reading our posts and we’d like to share another one with you.

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

They have developed tons of resources such as, the gospel onlinearticles about sharing your faith, and even a music video painting the gospel in graffiti.   Check out their other resources or let us know what ‘power’ God has given you to share the gospel, but don’t venture into sharing land without God’s power close at hand.

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Everyday Eisenman’s – Common Situations

Everyday EvangelismWhat would happen if you and I were living like Christ in today’s culture?  “Hundreds, even thousands of Christians take defective merchandise back to stores every day.  What would happen if in each case the store clerks and managers were treated with extraordinary kindness and understanding?  And this is just one small example of how Christians might take advantage of a common situation in contemporary culture to step into the lives of others with the love of Christ.” (Tom L. Eisenman, Everyday Evangelism)

You know, we’re not obligated to be angry when we return a product to the store or  show our frustration and be abusive to the person waiting on us.  But it’s more than that, according to Tom Eisenman.  It’s about being loving and full of grace, and if you’re like me, there are times when I can’t even readily identify what an act of grace would look like it these types of encounters.

With the number of interactions we each have in a world that needs to see Christ’s love, it’s pretty obvious that we have many opportunities to be salt and light and love to a needy world.  Are we?

What types of situations can you think of where Christians could be extraordinarily kind and understanding?  Did you interact with the someone in the world recently who could have benefited by you having that attitude?

More Great Reading

Other Comments on Quotes

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Do You Know Where They Live

“It may seem obvious, but even a great messenger can deliver mail only if he or she as an address that clearly identifies where the intended recipient lives.  So the challenge that precedes all effective evangelism is identifying the ‘spiritual addresses’ of the people we want to reach.” (Irresistible Evangelism; Steve Sjogren, Dave Ping, and Doug Pollock)

One common way to get someone’s address is to ASK them.  As you reach out in love to people, don’t you want to find out as much as you can about them?  What do they do for fun?  How did they happen to move to the home their in?  What are their hopes?  Do they have any spiritual interests?

Watch, listen, ask questions, listen some more…all traits of a loving, caring person.  That’s you and me, right?

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Little’s Bits – Heart-to-Heart Communications

“…it is our own personal involvement with others as individuals that deepens our understanding of them most significantly.  As we direct our witnessing to a person who we are learning to know and “feel for,” a mere presentation of head knowledge will be transformed into heart-to-heart communication.” (Paul Little, How to Give Away Your Faith)

Drop a hand grenade of knowledge at someone or reach out a hand of love and meet their need…which will show off Christ best?

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Share Some, Learn Lots

With the title, “How to Talk about Jesus without Freaking Out”, you’d expect a book to be about evangelism, and you’d be right.  Jim & Karen Covell and Victorya Michaels Rogers wrote this encouraging book and many of the things they said grabbed me.  Here’s one…

“One little verse in the Bible has changed our whole perspective on how to live out our Christian faith as effective messengers of truth.

I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ (Philemon 6 NIV)

How do we experience all the good things that the Lord has to offer and live a life that bears ripe fruit?  We talk about Jesus!”

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Boldly Barna – Our Role in Evangelism

Listen and listen closely…this has meant as much to me as nearly any other teaching on evangelism.

“The evangelizer plays a role in the conversion process but will not be held accountable for the choice made by those who hear the gospel.”

So says George Barna (Evangelism that Works) and some would say so what?  Here’s what struck me about that idea when I first encountered it.

My faith in Christ’s death on the cross has saved me and I will be with him forever when I die.  That’s something I want to tell my friends about.  But if I knew that the eternal destiny of someone depended on the quality of my evangelism, I’m afraid I would remain silent.  That type of failure is not something I could deal with.

But that’s not the situation at all.  It’s God’s responsibility to bring them to faith; our only task is to tell the story in love and make sure we explained it clearly.  Now that’s a task I can get excited about.

What about you?

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The Core of Evangelism

It helps to be reminded that evangelism is not so much about us, but about God working in and through us to reach those he wants to rescue.  As John Bowen so succinctly say in Evangelism for “Normal” People, “Evangelism at its core is God coming after us, even at our very worst, to invite us to come home.”

If that encourages you, would you share it with a friend?


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Quick Rick’s – Witnesses as Travel Guides

Why do we struggle with sharing our faith?  And perhaps more importantly, why don’t people we care about want to listen.  I think Rick Richardson, in his book, Reimagining Evangelism, may have an answer for us.

“In the Scripture, the word evangelism means “communicating or announcing good news.” Based on that, let’s try seeing ourselves as travel guides on a spiritual journey rather than traveling sales people on a call.”

My apologies to those sales people out there who don’t fit the stereotypical mold our culture has for those in that career, but let’s face it, when you have to create a ‘Don’t Call’ list, there must be something wrong.

If that same sales mentality creeps into our evangelism, we might get put on a friend’s ‘Don’t Preach to Me’ list and then where will we be?  Love always…evangelize when appropriate.

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A Love Beyond Belief

Have you ever thought about the love of God we try to share through evangelism? It’s a “love so large that it could look beyond sins and treasure the wayward people behind them. A love so powerful that it could patiently endure years of resistance, selfish pleasure-seeking, money-chasing, and power-wielding. In the face of all this, God’s love says, “Even though you’re way off the track, you still matter to Me! You really do!”” Becoming a Contagious Christian by Bill Hybels and Mark Mittleberg

That’s the kind of love people we love need and through faith in Christ, God provides just that type of love. In fact, it was that love that prompted him to have Jesus die for their sins in the first place.


See where Becoming a Contagious Christian landed on our EFS Leader’s Board

Read another Encouragement Effort



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Drama on Craigslist – Conclusion?

March 3, 2006, in reply to my ‘ad’ on Craigslist directing people to an online article about the Christian message of Easter, I received this email.

Jesus is a myth, just like the Easter Bunny. Please stop posting your crap on Craigslist, you’re not getting my money.

That was the complete message…short and to the point. I had no earthly reason to expect that anything would come from replying to him, but I did anyway. My reply definitely could have been the end of the story or perhaps the start of a war. It wasn’t. In fact, the story is still being written. Here’s how I responded.

You’ll get no argument from me about your opinion of Jesus being a myth. Not because I agree with you but I accept your right to hold that opinion. I do have a question though. It’s hard for me to relate to your statement since as an adult, I’ve never doubted Christ’s existence so I was wondering…how did you reach your conclusion that Jesus was a mythical figure?

It took me almost 9 days to send that response, and his reply came back the same day.

Hello Scott, I appreciate your adult approach in this matter, most posters on Craiglist would be yelling or screaming. Since you’re not screaming, I’ll answer your question as best I can.

 He posted a rather lengthy explanation of his spiritual background, which prompted questions in my mind. I asked if we might address some of those questions and he declined. After finding out we were about the same age, I switched gears and went in a different direction.

If we’re not going to continue our spiritual discussion (and I haven’t given up hope of that), how about I add you to my address book and fire off an email a couple of times a year to say hi? Who knows, we might become friends as we head into old age together.

I was pleasantly surprised by his answer.

We can chat/discuss some more, it won’t hurt anything, and I can always use another friend.

Twenty-five days had elapsed between “Jesus is a myth…stop posting your crap…” and “We can chat…I can always use another friend”. I think God must have been at work in my new ‘friends’ life; I know He was in mine.

What was my Christian message of Easter?

Read the Full Drama

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