“Jesus is a myth, just like the Easter Bunny. Please stop posting your crap on Craigslist, you’re not getting my money.”
I’m no theologian but even I could conclude the person responsible for that quote was no God loving, sold out follower of Jesus. In fact, they were responding to an ‘ad’ I placed on Craigslist. (Read how the Drama on Craigslist started in Part I or Part II of this series)
What could be said to someone who is obviously antagonistic toward Christ? Here’s a couple of ideas to get your evangelistic juices flowing.
- Have you ever felt like our mystery writer when it comes to Jesus? If you’d made a similar statement in the past, what type of response might you have appreciated?
- Perhaps you have strong feelings about something today. How do you want people to treat you when you share those beliefs?
- Maybe you’ve encountered someone with an intense conviction. Did you learn something from your conversations that might help here?
WoW! Now I’m looking forward to what happens next!
Ever Green’s – Last Wishes
At the end of his life on earth, Jesus “…commissioned his followers to continue the job of proclaiming the good news and calling on people to respond. The last wishes of a dear friend are a sacred trust, are they not? How much more so is the last command of Jesus?” Michael Green; One to One
It’s interesting that there were only 11 disciples given this commission. Can we tell from the text in question that Jesus meant for us to be part of the same plan? And more importantly, what do you base your answer on?
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