Ask an Evangelical

I’m a columnist for FaVS News and have been blessed to be the writer for questions received from our readers regarding Evangelical Christianity. Below are links to the articles, in the order they’ve been published, with the question asked by the reader. Sometimes, the ‘title’ of the piece won’t include the full question so don’t be disturbed if you see that when clicking on one of the links.

My ‘Ask an Evangelical’ Questions

  1. How do people deal with a crisis of faith?
  2. Do Evangelicals believe in scientific evolution or do they believe each and every species was individually created?
  3. Who or What do Evangelicals Believe God Is?  Is God for them an image of a human man but not a woman? Do Evangelicals believe in scientific evolution or do they believe each and every species was individually created? 
  4. I’m a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which, as you may know, fully embraces LGBTQ members. We also embrace modern science, including evolution, and tend to be politically liberal. I consider myself Evangelical, meaning one who shares the gospel of Jesus. Do you share this definition? 
  5. I love Jesus, but have questions.  How can we believe that Jesus who taught such wonderful things in the New Testament can be the same being who gave the laws of Moses, many of which were horrid such as with slavery and women? I would love to just believe in the New Testament, but Jesus quoted the Old Testament and held it in reverence, so I can’t dismiss the discrepancy that seems to be between the two books. Thoughts?
  6. Should Evangelists Preach Hatred?
  7. What do you think about the book of Enoch?  Do you believe it was removed from the Bible?
  8. Does he (God) need help or has he asked for help in any manner?
  9. Is God Just?
  10. Is God Self-Sufficient?

That’s it for now.  There are 34 of these articles online currently and I’m hoping for more in the future.  I’ll be adding the other 24 and if you have one you’d like to ask, or know of someone who might, here’s a link to FaVS News where a question can be submitted without providing a name or any contact info.