Be an Answer to Prayer

Jesus, following God’s plan to perfection, told the first disciples to pray for harvest workers.   Every time we share the gospel, we’re an answer to their prayer!

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Heaven: Like a Vacation only Better

I thought of 10 reasons why heaven for a Christian is like a great vacation for a weary worker.  See what you think.

  1. It’s something to joyfully anticipate.
  2. You can get to a point where you know for sure you’re going.
  3. When you reach that point, it makes the anticipation greater.
  4. We expect life to be better when we’re there.
  5. We won’t be disappointed when we go.
  6. The expectation of something better helps us forget today’s problems.
  7. The greater the expectation, the longer we can go in our current situation.
  8. It gives us something exciting to share with others.
  9. Some people who hear about it will want to make the trip themselves.
  10. We can help them get to the same destination.

Just as our friends may sense our excitement about a long awaited vacation, our anticipation of a future in Christ might begin to seep out where they can see it.  And then it’s only natural to share what we’re excited about.

May our joy and hope in the blessings of God through Christ, make us exciting to be around.

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Who Needs this Jesus?

Think about the Jesus we love for a moment. He strolled on storm tossed waters; fed 5,000 with insignificant provisions; and reduced demons to whimpering spirit beings.  Does someone you love need Him?

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Love is Real, Not Perfect

Too often, we think we need to be all shiny paper and fancy bows on the outside to have a chance to affect friends for Christ.  We’re afraid to let them see the plain brown paper we sometimes are.  In reality, our friends usually know when the outside wrapping is just for show.  What they want is for you and me to love them and be real

Here are three ways to let the real you, the one God is working on, shine through.

  1. Don’t hide your discouragement – Life is hard and ups and downs are expected.  Let them see you seek help through prayer or the wisdom of a more mature Christian.  Don’t be fake, they may have their hypocrisy radar on!
  2. Say, “I don’t know.” – If something has caused them to question God, stay away from pat, cliché answers.  Crying with them and admitting you still don’t understand everything either, is ok.
  3. Love them in their sin – We don’t get mad at infants when they fall while learning to walk.  Nor would we become angry with a blind friend, for stumbling over something in an unfamiliar room.  Well, sin for the person without Christ, is just as unavoidable.

It’s not easy to be real.  Remember though, our friends know what fake looks like.  They want and need your love, and if they get it, most will be willing to put up with your imperfections because  they will trust your intentions.

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X-treme Power

If your friends have not received the promise of heaven through faith in Christ, they have many great needs and you won’t be able to meet even one of them.  You’re going to have to rely on someone else to help…God.

We do not have to be strong and persuasive Christians, full of wisdom and perfect in character, to get our friends to heaven.  We just need to know where to look for the power necessary to bring spiritual life to the dead.  We will find that power in God!

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The Christianese Crusher

Help us stamp out Christianese and enable Christians to be more effective evangelistically!  Post a comment one of the two ways listed below and as a thank you, we we’ll give you a free GIFT.

1.  Send us a confusing word or phrase that was part of your witnessing vocabulary and how you’ve modified it to make the concept understandable.  Perhaps your post will be used by God to move another Christian farther down the road of effective evangelism.

2.  Ask a question about a word or phrase that you can’t explain or don’t understand very well, and that’s preventing you from being more effective sharing your faith.  If one of our readers can’t give you a good answer, we’ll try.

For more information about this topic, visit our page on Communicating Clearly.

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The Right Tools for the Task

The faith we so earnestly want our family and friends to receive “…comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17)  In this article, we want to provide three ‘tools’ to help you share the only words that will bring eternal life to those you love.

How Can I Share My Faith Without Starting an Argument?

How Can I Break the Silence?

Both of these resources are provided by RBC Ministries.  You can view them online, download to keep in your library, share with another Christian, or order a print copy.

Five by Five Method – Includes 5 facts people need to know (a very precise gospel presentation) and 5 promises of God that apply to any who become his children through faith in Christ.

This method comes from Bryan Findlayson, a retired minister of the Anglican Church in Australia. In his own words, Bryan is “a Conservative Evangelical believer of reformed persuasion who is committed to Anglican liturgical form and polity. In simple terms, I am one of the many Prayer Book Christians who rest on the amazing grace of God.”

We Hope That’s Just the Beginning

If you know of another salvation outline, please feel free to contact us. Perhaps it will appear in a future post to help other believers communicate the message that is so important to them.

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The Privilege of Evangelism

God did not really need our help rescuing people from their sin. He knew Jesus, the Slain Lamb, would fully pay their penalty and the Holy Spirit would convict them of their need for Christ. Yet he deliberately allowed the early followers of Jesus the privilege of laboring with him in the harvest field. It is an honor we still have today.

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Evangelism is In His Hands

God knows when he wants to move a person or church toward greater evangelistic involvement and he knows exactly how to accomplish it. That’s exciting!

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No One is Beyond God’s Reach

The person you care for most in the world is not a lost cause to God; He can save them.  This article offers triple evidence in: perhaps the most famous Christian of all time; someone much closer than that to me; and an unimpeachable source.

A Vigilante (for God?) on the Road to Damascus

Hi.  My name is Saul and I like watching Christians get executed.  In fact, I recently was the main cheering section when some men in my town killed one of them; just grabbed the guy, pulled him into the street and beat him to death with rocks.  I even made sure no one took any of their coats while they were pounding away.  What a privilege that was.  (paraphrase of Acts 7:51 – 8:1 and 22:17-20)

Do any of your unsaved friends qualify as an equal to this Saul character? We suspect not and that’s good news for the one you love.

On the road to Damascus, while on a ‘seek and destroy’ mission against Christians, Saul was confronted by Christ.  The Christian killer was unable to stand up to the killed One and in a moment of time, with the very same power that God used to raise Christ from the dead and that exists in the gospel message today, Saul was changed from an enemy of God to a follower of Jesus.

Score: God 1 More – Satan 0

While Saul’s conversion was important to me, he was not my own flesh and blood.  That’s where I wanted to see God’s power, and I did.

A Story Closer to Home

From age 13 until almost 22, our son displayed every negative behavior we could imagine; at least it seemed like that at the time.  His network of acquaintances included most of the local police department and many people in the legal profession.  There didn’t seem much we could do.

One day, out of desperation, I invited him to take a nice afternoon drive with me.  Soon after he was securely strapped in and the doors were welded shut, I launched into the classic, ‘ultra high decibel, in your face, you’re a disgrace, turn or burn, accept Jesus right now or you can walk home’ method of evangelism.  It didn’t work.

Another Damascus Experience

Then, in October 1994, our son received a special package from his creator when he least deserved it, just like Saul.  Like no other present he has ever received, this one contained the gift of a lifetime; faith.  The very same measure of faith that converted Saul to Paul was given to our son.  And like Saul, the changes in character were deep, striking, immediate and impossible to achieve on a human level.  It was a God thing.

A Final Powerful Word

You know about Saul’s conversion and I’ve told you about my sons.  Now, here’s the unimpeachable source for my final word about God’s power to save; the Bible.

I’ve told you some of Saul’s conversion story, but I want you to read the first hand account for yourself in Acts 8 & 9.  Marvel at the ability of God to change lives.   Be awed by the power of the Father, the grace demonstrated by the death of the living Word, and the convicting word from the Spirit.

No one is beyond His reach.  Not Saul, not my son, and not your closest friend or dearest loved one.  We have his Word on it!

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