If your friends have not received the promise of heaven through faith in Christ, they have many great needs and you won’t be able to meet even one of them. You’re going to have to rely on someone else to help…God.
- They need to want him: God alone can draw them.
- They need unshakeable faith: God gives total certainty.
- They need to be reborn: God can give them new life.
- They need a new character: God does Extreme Makeovers.
- They need eternal life: God holds them personally.
- They need real peace: God gives faith; peace follows.
- They need lasting hope: God is the source of hope.
We do not have to be strong and persuasive Christians, full of wisdom and perfect in character, to get our friends to heaven. We just need to know where to look for the power necessary to bring spiritual life to the dead. We will find that power in God!