Top 10 Reasons to Prefer Evangelism over Riding a Bus – #10

#10 – You don’t have to be forced into a schedule

If you want to reach your destination on a bus, you have to board at a certain place, and not later than a preset time. With evangelism, the ‘schedule’ changes with every encounter. That’s because everyone you meet will be at a different place on their route toward God. On a bus line, that kind of ‘uncertainty’ would be unnerving, but with evangelism, at least for me, its part of what makes it so exciting.

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Showdown: Love vs. ????

What is the primary reason Christians don’t share their faith more? Could it be…

  1. Other things seem more urgent
  2. We don’t know enough non-Christians
  3. People won’t be interested

Those are certainly real reasons but not the primary one, which I think is fear! That’s good news because if love and fear were slugging it out in the boxing ring for the heavyweight character trait of the world, love would win by a convincing knockout.

So what’s our training tip for you? Is it work harder to conquer fear? No…it’s grow in love! That’s why we’ve created the Do the Two Project; to help Christians become more loving. As we grow in love, the needs of those we are caring for will become more evident, and our hearts desire will be to meet whatever ones we can.

Christ purchased our salvation through love, and our evangelism efforts need to be rooted in the same motive. Regardless of how you and I go about making love more demonstrable in our lives, may the world find it in ever increasing measure when they look at you and me.

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Grace Reminders

Grace Reminders (ways of remembering how God has changed us since we became Christians) can help us see opportunities to introduce the forgiveness found in Christ with our friends.  Are you being reminded of God’s grace?

Learn more about Grace Reminders, adopt one for yourself (or create your own), and start seeing possibilities to share that were there all the time.

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12 Steps to Perfect Witnessing?

What you won’t hear from us are ‘Twelve Easy Steps to Evangelistic Excellence.’  That’s one way of acknowledging God’s role in the process of enabling you to better share your faith. It’s a big role…He’s a big God!

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In the Classroom of God

We are enrolled in Evangelism 101 at the University of Love and Good Deeds. Knowing exactly what each day’s curriculum should include, it is not uncommon for God to call on one of His many teaching assistants (TAs), to share what He wants you and I to learn. God’s TA’s (who can be any person He chooses) have been busy through the years, providing me with Good News clues for sharing the gospel with those I love. Here are some of them…

  1. Feed Them Potato Chips – When I’m confronted with someone’s disbelief in Christ, being honestly curious about how they reached their conclusion, disarms them and leaves a good taste in their spirit, like the right amount of salt in a meal.
  2. Don’t Throw Salt at Them – Saying to that same person, “How can you not believe in Jesus?” is more like pouring salt on an open wound, than giving them something salty to eat.
  3. Antagonism is Not a Spiritual Gift – It’s perfectly understandable why a non-Christian would be antagonistic toward God.  They’re at enmity with Him, according to Scripture. But the Bible tells me that I should be respectful when sharing my faith.
  4. Fools Rush In – Time after time TA’s have told me they would pray, if possible, before responding to a non-Christian’s comment. My natural inclination was, all to often, to ‘let them have it’, often with both barrels. When I yielded to that temptation, I usually failed to love. Pray first!
  5. Their Thoughts Count – I know what I mean when I say something but that’s only part of the communication equation. How the listener interprets what I say or how it’s said, can be just as critical.  I need to take the time and frame my comments in a way that acknowledges their world view.
  6. Choose Your Words Carefully – It’s much harder to retract something in today’s age of instant communication than it is to say it right the first time. Be slow to speak!

We all need to listen to the TA’s in our lives and learn from them. As we do, and become more proficient at speaking the truth in love, our words will be seasoned with the right amount of salt; salt that God might use to make the listener thirst for Living Water.

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Enter Share the Savior’s ‘Create a Slogan for Our Mission Statement’ Contest

It’s official! Our new, more focused mission statement is ready to direct our ministry’s evangelism efforts. Now we want ideas for short, memorable, slogans, and that’s where you come in. Submit a saying for one of the three aspects of our mission, send separate ideas for each of them, or be really creative and come up with one that encompasses all three components. Ready to get started? Here are the three aspects of our mission.

  1. Coaching Christians toward more effective and attractive evangelistic efforts, grounded in a growing manifestation of love for their neighbor.
  2. Promoting Christianity by offering people a safe place to explore, question, evaluate, and experience the Christian faith.
  3. Communicating the message of reconciliation, at appropriate times and places, in the love of God and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

If you submit an idea, please let us know which aspect your slogan is for. Everyone who supports us by submitting a slogan, will receive a free evangelism related gift, and if you’re entry is a winner, you’ll also receive 2 hours of free evangelism coaching.

NOTE: Want to get your creative juices flowing?  Visit our Facebook page to view the suggestions people make there.  And feel free to ‘like’ us yourself and add your own contest ideas.

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Who Do You Trust?

You’re not at the same place spiritually as anyone else, and although God knows where that place is, we don’t.  So, we’re trusting him to convey the piece of wisdom he wants you to have regarding how to share your faith. Is that exciting or what?

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What’s Training Got to Do with It?

Jesus, understanding the need for evangelism training, appointed and empowered evangelists, along with others in the church, “to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” Got Training?

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What Tools Do I Need?

If you’re fixing a sink, you either know which tools you’ll need or you don’t. If it’s the latter, you can do some research or ask someone for help. But what about the tools necessary for sharing the gospel?

In case your evangelism tool box is a little empty, we thought we’d pass on some helpful implements that we think you should consider stocking.

  1. Prayer – Get on Your Knees: God has not given you the ability to bring anyone to salvation without His help, and prayer is a great place to start. In fact, there may be no better place to begin than at the throne of grace.
  2. Power – Use Scripture: The same power that God used to raise Jesus from the dead lives and breathes in the words of the gospel. You may have great debating skills or be highly persuasive but faith comes through hearing the Scriptures that testify about our Savior.
  3. Possibilities – Open Your Heart: God is not locked into one particular way of drawing people toward Christ. Learn how your friend thinks and what they like, and utilize a method of sharing that fits them. There is only one message but it can be delivered in many ways.

We went to the Tool Idea Store (aka the Internet) to see what might be helpful for delivering the message of salvation. Here are a couple we found.

Do you have a favorite tool that you use when sharing the Good News? If so, we’d love to hear it. Who knows, we might even want to use it the next time we get the privilege of sharing God’s plan of redemption.

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Who is Jesus? – Part I

Jesus touched and healed those who hadn’t felt human hands in years, faced the anger of religious self-righteousness, and abandoned his own grave in a show of his power and contempt for death. That’s the Savior we share!

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