This post will likely sound strange, perhaps even heretical, coming from an evangelistic ministry, but hear me out please. I don’t think evangelism captures the heart of God like love. There…I’ve said it.
I wish it were different because truth be told, sharing my faith can be so much easier than loving my neighbor. But I haven’t found Scripture to back it up. Jesus seems to have taught that loving God and our neighbor were the two actions that met the criteria of the greatest commandment.
Does that mean evangelism is unimportant? No! But it means that when our evangelistic efforts aren’t rooted and fueled by love, we won’t be honoring God’s most important command to us. Plus a loveless gospel presentation can sound harsh and uninviting to someone looking for a reason to remain far away from God.
I need His constant help to love even the lovable people in my life, let alone those that don’t fit in that group. Yet our message of the cross is meant as much for the unlovable as for those family and friends we care so deeply about. Do you need help loving those around you? Is God able to provide the help you need?
Check out what others say about the heart of God and then share with me your thoughts on this post. Is Love all you really need?