Getting a present you’ve always dreamed of is wonderful and many Christmas memories are filled with great gifts of the past. Giving to others can be a wonderful tradition too. It’s not always easy to know exactly what to give though.
This year, as you survey your Christmas gift list, consider if someone you know might be ready to receive a Christmas Presence instead of or in addition to the presents you were thinking of giving. What is a Christmas Presence?
It’s someone you have near you throughout the the holiday season and beyond. You and I call him Christ, but to many of our friends, he is just a myth or worse. He certainly isn’t on the list of what many people want. But if you know him, maybe telling someone about the Presence you have could be the best gift they’ll ever receive.
To help, I’ve written a special seasonal story, The Best Christmas Presence Ever. I encourage you to read it for yourself and then ask God who you could share it with. Maybe everyone on your gift list needs to hear this story or maybe just one or two close friends. That’s what makes it exciting.
God is at work in the lives of men and women, drawing them toward faith in Christ. Perhaps one of them is a family member or friend of yours. If you’ve already received the best Christmas Presence ever, maybe it’s time to share the story with someone else.