‘IF’ – A BIG Word in Evangelism – Part 3

Rather than argue with someone who is without saving faith in Christ, calmly help them understand the ramifications, IF the verses being discussed are true. Then be willing to demonstrate, with gentleness and respect, a commitment to friendship, regardless of what they say, think or do when confronted with the implications of this potential truth claim.

That’s a summary of the first three principals of the IF Strategy, which you can read more about here. Now for the fourth and most important one, Trust Them to God!

When you use the IF Strategy and refuse to get into an argument with them, God is more than able to continue the conversation with your friend. And long after your initial discussion, especially if they’re still upset at something they heard and you maintain a loving attitude, they just might find themselves in a discussion with God.

That’s good news because He does all the difficult work of evangelism anyway. The fact that they had any interest in discussing spiritual things with you indicates He has already motivated them to seek Him. And as they struggle with the truth they’ve heard from Scripture, the Spirit’s convicting work has a chance to run its course.

Knowing this, we don’t have to ‘win’ a spiritual debate, in order to see someone come to salvation. In reality, the ‘conversation’ that leads to saving faith, is always being carried out between our Father and our friend or loved one.

God wants us to share our faith, but even more, he wants us to love our neighbor. Out of that love, our evangelism efforts can be a tool in the hands of God; tools that he may use during His good work of drawing the lost toward His Son, and convicting them of their need for a Savior. What a privilege it is to be an implement in His hand.

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Thank God He’s Not Like Us

Has it ever occurred to you that nothing has just occurred to God? Stray thoughts don’t pop into his mind, and he doesn’t scratch his head trying to think of solutions to problems. May he be your ultimate source for wisdom in all things, especially how to explain his gospel

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‘IF’ – A BIG Word in Evangelism – Part 2

We don’t have to argue with our friends over spiritual issues. At least, that was the point of the first two principles of what we called, the IF Strategy.  It suggests not trying to force someone, who doesn’t have faith in Christ, to accept a passage of Scripture as truth. Instead, by securing their agreement that a logical conclusion can be made about something the Bible says, IF it’s true, we help them come much closer to the truth than most arguments ever could.

For instance, the Bible says all have sinned. IF that’s true, anyone can rightly conclude, even if the idea is repugnant to them, that they are part of the ‘all’ in that biblical statement. When that happens, it’s time to make sure we’re majoring on Principal #3: Let Gentleness Rule!

When someone recognizes at a deep level, the potential truth of something diametrically opposed to all they believe, it is not uncommon to feel threatened, and people backed against a theological wall, can be prone to lash out at anyone nearby. Knowing this, we need to maintain the calming effects of love, such as gentleness and respect.

That is how we are to love our neighbor. That was how Christ could say from the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.”

When you use the IF Strategy, an exciting thing happens.  Someone, much better equipped to convince your friend, may continue the conversation with them long after you’ve stopped.  Who is it? We’ll give you the surprising and powerful answer in Part 3.

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Shiny Wrap or Plain Brown Paper

Sometimes, we think we need to be all shiny paper and fancy bows on the outside to have a chance to affect friends for Christ.  Don’t always be afraid to let them see the plain brown paper you sometimes are.

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Weak and Unconvincing Christians Wanted

We do not have to be strong and persuasive Christians, full of wisdom and perfect in character, to get our friends to heaven. We just need to know where to look for the power necessary to accomplish the task. We will find that power in God and in His Word!

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‘IF’ – A BIG Word in Evangelism – Part I

You start sharing a passage from the Bible with a friend, and all of a sudden, you’re in an argument. They won’t believe what you think the passage so clearly teaches, and you’re both on the verge of calling each other idiots.

What if there was a simple way to defuse these arguments before they start? If such a method existed would you want to learn about it? If your answer is yes, don’t stop reading.

The ‘IF’ Strategy

The #1 principal of this strategy is: Always keep your ‘if’ ready.

The moment your friend adopts an argumentative stance on any passage or biblical issue, take a firm but gentle grasp of your ‘if’ and turn their position around like this…

  • When they don’t believe the Bible is reliable say, “If the Bible is reliable regarding this issue, what does that mean to us?”
  • When they won’t apply the Bible to themselves say, “If this passage is true, how would that affect you and I?”
  • When they refuse to accept the Bible’s authority, say, “If the Bible really is God’s authoritative disclosure to man, how should we respond to it?”

The second principal is like the first: If at first you don’t succeed, use your ‘if’ again.

People confronted with the ‘IF’ strategy may not want to give you the obvious answer to your question. To do so, would be to intellectually assent to the potential truth of your position. Instead they’ll likely repeat their first argument hoping that will clinch a victory for their side.

Friend: “Look, I already said that I don’t think the Bible is reliable, so your iffy question doesn’t matter.”

Principal #2: Acknowledge as much of their statement as possible, and then apply your ‘if’ again.

You: “I know you don’t trust the Bible, and I respect your opinion, and the right to hold it. Believe it or not, I’m not trying to change your mind, I just want to be sure I’ve communicated clearly what I believe. So, if, and I know this is a big IF, the Bible was reliable about this issue, what would that mean to us?”

By approaching the truth of the Bible this way, there’s much less chance of raised voices, especially on your side, and a greater likelihood that your friend will assent to your position. After all, you’re only saying, what if!

And if that isn’t a good enough reason to utilize the ‘IF’ strategy, here’s one from the Bible; “A gentle answer…” does what?

In Part II of this series, we’ll share Principal #3, and answer a surprising question. . . When you use the ‘IF’ Strategy, who and what will take over further discussion with your friend?

Sound interesting? To get Part II delivered to you automatically, subscribe for free here.

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Power is Not the Problem

The same power that raised Christ from the dead, and the incomparable ability to turn even the hardest heart soft, are available to God for the task of reaching your friend or family member, who is resisting His message of grace.

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It’s Time for Your Review

Here’s a simple way to practice sharing your faith, and learn how to be more effective at the same time. It will help you minimize Christianese (expressions spoken and understood only by other Christians) in your spiritual conversations.

  1. Scribe It: Write a presentation of the gospel or your personal testimony of becoming a Christian.
  2. Share It: Give it to a Christian or non-Christian, and ask them to review it. A Christian should mark any words or phrases that could be misunderstood by an unbeliever. The non-Christian simply marks what isn’t clear to them.
  3. Swallow It: When you receive their review, you may be able to skip this step, but if your pride is getting in the way of accepting what the reviewer has to say, swallow it.
  4. Simplify It: Rewrite the areas that need help, trying to replace the potentially confusing sections with common words and phrases, that are clear and concise.
  5. Share It (again): Repeat steps 2-4 until the reviewer finds nothing unclear.

If you want some help with this exercise, we have links to online articles and glossaries of Christianese on our website.

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Starting Spiritual Discussions

Here’s an idea that might help you introduce your spiritual beliefs to friends and family.  Find an informational site about Christianity.  As you read the articles, think about who might be willing to take a look at it, and introduce them to the site.  After a few days, ask the natural follow up question…”So, what did you think?”  All of a sudden, you might find yourself in a discussion about spiritual issues…one God might use to move them toward Christ.

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Good News Clues: Imaginary God – Part I

As part of Share the Savior‘s outreach, we post ‘ads’ on Craigslist to promote spiritual discussions.  Good News Clues is our blog series to help us all uncover some clues about how to share the gospel with friends and family.  How does it work?

Read the original Craigslist post below and the full reply.  Then read the ‘Next Step’ and do one of several things…

  1. Join the discussion by following the ‘Next Step’
  2. Return often to see what Next Step others would make
  3. Automatically follow the comments posted to this discussion
  4. Share Good News Clues with a friend


Date: 07-23-2011, 9:53PM PDT

Free Book: How Good is Good Enough?

“How Good is Good Enough?” by Andy Stanley, evaluates a popular theory about heaven — good people get to go — and explains what he thinks is wrong with it. If you think being good is good enough and would be interested in hearing what he has to say, contact me and I’ll mail you a copy of the book.

Scott McIntyre

This free book offer is presented by Share the Savior, a non-profit organization formed to offer a message, which we consider one of hope, to people who don’t embrace the Christian faith, and prepare Christians to know when and how to do the same.


Date: 08-07-2011, 3:45PM PDT

It is unfortunate that Yahweh/Jehovah/Jesus/God is imaginary, otherwise that booklet might be important.

The good thing is that his followers don’t follow ALL of the Bible, just the nice parts.


How would you respond to this reply?


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